Τετάρτη 25 Ιανουαρίου 2017

MGTOW - Woman's double life

H διπλή ζωή μιας όρκας συνοδού κυρίων. Τι να πω, δηλαδή να έχεις λεφτά και να τα δίνεις για να εκτονωθείς πάνω σε μια άμορφη μάζα με ξεπερνά!

So this woman on Dr Phil has been living a double life. On one hand she was a housewife and a mother. On the other hand she was an escort, and she was living this double life for years without her husband knowing, who thought she was a stripper and was okay with her being a stripper, however he wasn't okay with her being an escort and left her as a result. To make matters worse the child that he thought was his is actually the child of a punter. It goes to show you that you can never truly know what your wife is up to when you're out working to put food on the table

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