Τετάρτη 2 Αυγούστου 2017

MGTOW - Women before and after they have found feminism

After a lot of women find feminism, it seems they go out of their way to become unattractive. I guess they can do whatever they want. As long as they don't complain about men not finding them attractive after they gain 30+ pounds, grow their armpit hair, cut their hair very short or completely bold and dye it an off putting bright colour. 

Boy am i playing with fire uploading this video, especially with what happened last time, but to hell with it.

Feminism Made Women More Miserable Than Ever – Here’s Why MGTOW


Women finally realise feminism has failed. Feminism destroyed!
The reason Why Feminism Has Ruined Women and Made Them Unhappy and miserable can explained in the following, logical way. 

Feminism gave women a lot of choices how to live their lives at their own free will. It was essentially a Trojan horse that women swallowed hook, line and sinker without even questioning the repercussions. Having lots of choices can be good, but it’s also complicated. And complications always lead to stress and anxiety. And women today are more stressed out than ever before. A study from Boston College found that women are graduating with less self-esteem than when they commenced, despite the fact that graduation rates among women are far higher than those of men. According to The Wall Street Journal, 26 percent of American women are on some kind of mental health medication for anxiety and depression. Glamour recently did a poll with women in 2015, and respondents couldn’t even explain what being happy was all about.

Let’s see exactly what went horribly wrong with feminism.

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So another day and another old feminist admits that feminism makes women lonely, bitter and miserable. This is essentially an old feminist woman who is regretting her life choices because now she is old, bitter and nobody wants to spend time with her and no one is obligated to see her because she has no family.
This is what awaits a lot of feminists out there, an old lonely existence. Feminism is great for making women miserable.

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